Asked about “demographics”, use and development of software, training and funding.
Generally, “non responses” to optional (O) questions were ignored. Mandatory questions are marked (M).
Data anonymised manually.
Cleaned and annotated using Python scripts (with some manual decisions).
Plotted charts using Jupyter notebook.
Presentation and report written in markdown.
Outputs built using pandoc / GitHub actions.
Sample characteristics
This survey went to all PhD students and research staff with a prize incentive.
382 respondents.
A 2019 Southampton survey went to “all staff employed on an ERE contract (Education, Research and Enterprise) and all PhD students” with a prize incentive. As surveys were sent out on a faculty by faculty basis, it was possible to report a response rate of between 8% and 11% for all faculties.
2014 national survey - it is not clear what sampling strategy was used.
In which faculty are you based? (M)
Which organisations usually fund your research? (O)
What is your job title? (O)
Importance of research software
Do you use research software? (M)
How important is research software to your work? (M)
1 “Not at all”, to 5 “Vital”
Software development practise
Have you developed your own research software? (M)
Software Importance
91% of respondents use research software (92% nationally).
65% report that software is vital to their research (nationally, 69% report that “It would not be practical to conduct my work without software”).