Upcoming : Git & GitHub through GitKraken - Zero to Hero!

Neil Shephard
28 February 2024 12:00

The RSE Team are pleased to announce four scheduled sessions of the ever popular Git & GitHub through GitKraken - Zero to Hero!. These courses will run in-person over two consecutive days in morning sessions from 09:30 to 13:00 on the following days.

What are Git, GitHub and GitKraken?

Git is a system of version controlling your code. Think of it as a lab-book or doctors notes that are taken as you progress through your work, recording conditions, saving what has worked and correcting what doesn’t.

GitHub is a website that allows people to work collaboratively on version controlled code.

GitKraken is a client for working with Git and GitHub that includes both a GUI (Graphical User Interface) and a CLI (Command Line Interface)

Who is the course for?

Everyone who writes code! If you write scripts to analyse your code in R, Stata or Matlab you would benefit from using Git to version control your code and GitHub to share your code and make it open. If you write Python, JavaScript, C/++ code as part of a team in your research group you would benefit from using Git and GitHub to work together.

Getting started with these tools can be overwhelming but by taking this course you will be introduced to the concepts behind them and how to use them effectively to not just version control your own work but work with others on the same code.

The course material is available online if you want to take a peek and the first half using Git and publishing web-pages can be worked through in your own time. The real benefit comes from participating in the collaborative exercises in the second half where you work together on projects making Pull Requests and resolving problems that arise.

If you’ve never used Git, GitHub or GitKraken or have only just started then sign-up and come and learn more about these powerful tools.

Contact Us

For queries relating to collaborating with the RSE team on projects: rse@sheffield.ac.uk

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