LunchBytes: FAIR^2 Training Programme

22 October 2024 - 12:00-13:00
Google Meet
Romain Thomas

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As code and software become an ever bigger part of research (it’s likely that around 1/3 of researchers write code), coding and other digital skills become ever more important to researchers. The FAIR for Research Software Principles adapted the FAIR Guiding Principles for Scientific Data Management and Stewardship to Research Software and provide a framework for the development of code and software. The range of skills involved in adopting this paradigm shift is diverse and together the Research Software Engineering (RSE), Data Analytics Service (DAS) and Library teams have developed the FAIR2 Training Programme which covers most aspects of the training required.

In this LunchBytes session, Dr Romain Thomas, Head of Research Software Engineering, will give an overview of the motivation behind the programmes development and introduce the curriculum covered by the FAIR2 Training Programme, explaining the modular structure of the material and how components build on and are linked to each other.

Joining Instructions

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We’ll use for questions, link will be circulated during the event.

Background Reading

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