How to design and engineer good code for research.

30 January 2019 - 15:30-16:30
Lecture theatre 1, Hicks building
Dr Christopher Woods, University of Bristol

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Abstract: The code you write to analyse your data and conduct your work is a valuable research tool. Understanding how to write good research code and software is very important. A broad range of skills are needed to ensure that software is sustainable, and that it fulfils research software’s unique requirements of being trustably correct, flexible, and performance portable. Research Software Engineering is a discipline that embraces these skills. Research software engineers (RSEs) employ tools such as documentation, version control and unit testing to ensure software is trustably correct. They use modular, component-based design to ensure that software is flexible and performance portable. Finally, an emerging career path for research software engineers in both academia and industry is supporting teams who now enhance the sustainability, quality and capability of research software, and provide training in research software engineering best practice to the next generation of researchers.

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