A short talk on AWK and a slightly longer talk on conda

27 February 2019 - 11:00-12:00
COM-G12-Main Lewin
Will Furnass, David Jones, University of Sheffield

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The AWK Programming Language

Heralded by some[1] as “235 times faster than hadoop”, AWK is a programmable text processing tool that has been packaged with Unix, since 1979-ish, and has been in all major Unix standards since. AWK builds on the grep and sed tools, borrowing some of their syntax and style in a tool that is almost as concise but fully programmable. AWK is good at cutting through text-based datasets at blazing speed. David will introduce you to some of its ways.

Slides and notes: https://gitlab.com/drj11/talk-awk

[1] https://adamdrake.com/command-line-tools-can-be-235x-faster-than-your-hadoop-cluster.html

conda: reproducible research software environments on your machine, HPC and the cloud”

conda is a tool for creating isolated environments of software packages. Over the last few years it has greatly simplified the challenge of providing the software dependencies required for many research computing workflows and it allows certain workflows to be easily reproduced on different hardware and operating systems (e.g. in the cloud or on HPC systems). In this talk Will covers: what problems conda tries to solve, the basics of using conda, alternative tools that address similar problems and issues that may arise when using conda.

Slides and source for slides.

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