Software Outlook

28 May 2019 - 13:00-14:00
COM-G12-Main Lewin
Luke Mason, Application Performance Engineering Group Leader at Hartree Center

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Abstract: Software Outlook is a project funded by the EPSRC as part of the Computational Science Centre for Research Communities. It aims to support the UK’s Collaborative Computational Projects (CCPs) and High-End Computing (HEC) Consortia in the development and optimisation of their world-leading software. These activities include

  • Evaluations of new programming languages, libraries and frameworks
  • Investigations into timely and cost-effective exploitation of current and near-future systems
  • Demonstrations into how specific software technologies can be applied to existing applications

The challenges faced by CCP’s and HEC consortia in modernising their codes are fed directly into Software Outlook’s remit. During this talk, we will discuss these challenges and the subsequent work being done by Software Outlook.

Bio: Luke leads the High Performance Software Engineering group at the Hartree Centre. The group specialises in code scalability and performance on HPC (high performance computing) systems as well as porting and optimisation for emerging and novel architectures. He is experienced in working alongside both industrial and academic scientists to produce accurate and efficient code across a range of disciplines and architectures. His group is involved in development for the Met Office and the EPSRC funded “Big Hypotheses” project, to name just a few of its current activities.


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