From laptop to HPC to cloud: How to containerise your workflow to make it portable and reproducible

25 February 2020 - 12:00-13:00
COM-G12-Main Lewin
Martin Callaghan, University of Leeds

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In this talk I’ll discuss a number of use-cases for containerising your research codes and applications using both the Docker and Singularity ecosystems.

I’ll demonstrate the NVIDIA HPC Container Maker language (write your container definitions once to create both Docker and Singularity definitions) and how to combine Git, Github, Dockerhub and Singularity Hub to create a continuous test and development pipeline for your containers which you can then go on to use on your Desktop, in the Cloud or on HPC.


I’m Research Computing Manager and lead the Research Computing team at the University of Leeds.

Our team provides Research Infrastructures (including Cloud and High Performance Computing), Programming and Software Development consultancy across the University’s diverse research community.

My role is part Research Software Engineer, part trainer, part consultant and part manager, including running Research Computing’s comprehensive training programme for research staff and students.

My personal research interests are in text analytics, particularly using neural networks to summarise text at scale.


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