Introducing the N8 Bede GPU HPC cluster

21 May 2020 - 15:00-16:00
Alan Real and Paul Richmond, N8

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Following a successful EPSRC application, the N8 Centre for Computationally Intensive Research (N8 CIR) will soon host a new national Tier-2 HPC service, called Bede.

Bede is a novel architecture supercomputer based upon IBM Power 9 CPUs and NVIDIA Volta GPUs. This architecture supports memory coherence between the GPU and CPU and a hierarchy of interconnects to allow effective distributed GPU use. This architecture will extend the size of problems that can tackled beyond that of other GPU-accelerated architectures, increasing data sizes for accelerated simulation and analysis codes, and reducing the ‘time to science’ for a range of ‘hard’ problems.

The purpose of this facility is to enable new science across many different disciplines. The machine will be hosted by Durham University.

In this session Alan Real (Durham University) will introduce the machine and Paul Richmond (RSE team, University of Sheffield) will introduce some of the GPU work he has been doing and highlight the potential of GPUs for computational research.

This event is only open to those working or studying at one of the N8 Universities.


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