ReproHacks: Practicing reproducibility makes better

18 January 2021 - 12:00-13:00
Anna Krystalli, The University of Sheffield, Open Research Conversation: Reproducibility in Practice

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Join us for a discussion on the importance of reproducibility and the challenges faced when attempting to reproduce others’ research.

Event Description

Reproducibility, recreating the results others have found in their research, presents many challenges for researchers, with several studies suggesting that much published cannot be reproduced. The University of Sheffield has an active reproducibility network, is a member of the UK Reproducibility Network and has created a new post of Research Practice Lead. This event will include presentations and discussions on reproducibility and the practical lessons learnt from running ReproHacks. Speakers will include:

  • Tom Stafford, Department of Psychology and the University’s Research Practice Lead
  • Anna Krystalli, Research Software Engineer

This event is part of a series of Open Research Conversations facilitated by The University of Sheffield Library, which include talks from researchers and other experts to share their experiences, promote best practices and discuss the challenges they are facing. Have a look at our other events and sign up here.

Talk by Anna Krystalli - ReproHacks: Practicing reproducibility makes better

In this talk, I introduce ReproHacks, one day reproducbility hackathons, where participants attempt to reproduce research from associated published code and data. I discuss the importance of providing space to practice reproducibility, some of the lessons learnt from running ReproHack events so far and some thoughts on moving forward.

Materials (slides) associated with the event can be found at

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