git & GitHub through GitKraken - from Zero to Hero!

1 October 2021 - 10:00-16:30
Anna Krystalli, David Wilby, RSE Team

All of our events may be recorded and shared via the University of Sheffield Kaltura platform so those who cannot attend may still benefit. We will consider your attendance implict consent to this.

How can we effectively work together on the same code?

This is an introductory course, teaching the git and GitHub skills required to manage research code over it’s development lifecycle. These skills are essential for collaborative research teams.

This event is for University of Sheffield researchers and research students only. Please register with an or email address to ensure your ticket request is accepted.

Prerequisite skills: Some programming experience.

Learning Objectives

  • Version controlling your own project through Git & GitHub.
  • Basic collaboration through forks on GitHub.
  • Advanced team collaboration through branches on GitHub.
  • Using the GitKraken GUI for a smooth version control experience.

We plan to run this course online, but will investigate the possibly of hybrid delivery.

More details and registration via eventbrite.

Course material:

Together, We Create

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

Contact Us

For queries relating to collaborating with the RSE team on projects:

Information and access to JADE II and Bede.

Join our mailing list so as to be notified when we advertise talks and workshops by subscribing to this Google Group.

Queries regarding free research computing support/guidance should be raised via our Code clinic or directed to the University IT helpdesk.