Securely accessing remote Linux machines

Will Furnass
20 May 2020 13:00

Including High-Performance Computing clusters

It appears that recent cyberattacks on various European High-Performance Computing (HPC) clusters were in part facilitated by bad actors acquiring ‘SSH keys’ of researchers with accounts on multiple clusters then using these keys to hop between HPC clusters.  Secure SHell (SSH), as the name implies, can be a very secure way of starting a remote shell (command-line session) on remote Linux machines (e.g. HPC clusters) and the underlying protocol is also useful for copying files to/from remote machines (via the SCP, SFTP and rsync tools), but there are several poor practices that can limit the security of remote access and file transfers.  Given the recent attacks it makes sense for staff and students who access remote Linux machines to consider these, even if the remote machines are not managed by the University of Sheffield as poorly managed keys/passwords could allow others to impersonate you, which could result in further cyberattacks, data theft/loss and reputational damage to you and the University.

If you typically use a password to authenticate via SSH then consider what damage could be done should someone else acquire/guess your password.  This is why it is sensible to authenticate using two distinct pieces of private information, such as something you have plus something you know, where possible (multi-factor authentication (MFA)).  This is why access to Iceberg, the only internet-accessible University cluster, now requires a VPN connection (with its distinct password) or an additional, one-time-only password (via Duo MFA, if supported, when accessed off campus.  Note that currently multi-factor authentication via Duo when using SSH is only mandatory if Duo MFA has been enabled for your University account.  You should continue to manage your University password carefully even when using MFA (password plus VPN or Duo MFA).

Another common way to authenticate using SSH is using a public/private key pair.  You generate the key pair on your own machine, which results in two files containing cryptographically-linked contents, then install just the public key file on the remote machine(s) you want to SSH to. For example, you might install one of your public keys on the ShARC HPC system and, under the current setup, you would then be able to connect to it without entering your University password.   Public/private key pairs are potentially more secure than using just a password to authenticate as an attacker must have the private key file to access a machine that has the corresponding public key.  However, if the private key is itself unencrypted then if your laptop is compromised (e.g. by a malicious program) then attackers will be able to log into remote machines as you (which is what is believed to have happened with the compromised European HPC systems).  The solution to this is to specify a passphrase with which to encrypt the private key when you create a new keypair.  You will then be prompted for that passphrase when using the private key to log into a remote machine and the private key file by itself will be useless to attackers.  To save you having to retype your passphrase every time you want to use the associated private key you can use a program called a SSH Agent to cache your passphrase in memory for some time.

Recommendations for managing SSH public/private key pairs:

  • Specify a passphrase when creating a new keypair to ensure the unencrypted private key is never directly accessible from your home directory.
  • Consider adding a passphrase to existing unencrypted private keys.
  • If you have been using an unencrypted private key to automate access to remote machines then contact discuss your needs; there may be more secure ways of doing things.
  • Do not re-use your University password as a passphrase to encrypt a SSH private key.
  • Do not copy your private key to remote machines.
  • Use a SSH Agent to save you from having to retype your passphrase very frequently.
  • Do not install your public key in other users’ home directories in such a way that would allow you to log in via SSH as them using the corresponding key pair; this constitutes account sharing and so is prohibited.

Changes to SSH public/private key pair authentication on the Iceberg HPC cluster: SSH does not allow system administrators to enforce all users’ private keys to be encrypted with a passphrase so following the recent attacks on other HPC systems SSH public/private key pair authentication to Iceberg is only permitted on campus or via a VPN connection.

More information on logging in to University HPC clusters via SSH.

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