RSE Sheffield Blog

Upcoming : Git & GitHub through GitKraken - Zero to Hero!

Neil Shephard
20 December 2022 12:00

The RSE Team are pleased to announce three scheduled sessions of the increasingly popular Git & GitHub through GitKraken - Zero to Hero!. These courses will run over two consecutive days in morning sessions from 09:30 to 13:00 on the following days.

What are Git, GitHub and GitKraken?

Git is a system of version controlling your code. Think of it as a lab-book or doctors notes that are taken as you progress through your work, recording conditions, saving what has worked and correcting what doesn’t.

GitHub is a website that allows people to work collaboratively on version controlled code.

GitKraken is a client for working with Git and GitHub that includes both a GUI (Graphical User Interface) and a CLI (Command Line Interface)

Who is the course for?

Everyone who writes code! If you write scripts to analyse your code in R, Stata or Matlab you would benefit from using Git to version control your code and GitHub to share your code and make it open. If you write Python, JavaScript, C/++ code as part of a team in your research group you would benefit from using Git and GitHub to work together.

Getting started with these tools can be overwhelming but by taking this course you will be introduced to the concepts behind them and how to use them effectively to not just version control your own work but work with others on the same code.

The course material is available online if you want to take a peek and the first half using Git and publishing web-pages can be worked through in your own time. The real benefit comes from participating in the collaborative exercises in the second half where you work together on projects making Pull Requests and resolving problems that arise.

If you’ve never used Git, GitHub or GitKraken or have only just started then sign-up and come and learn more about these powerful tools.

Writing better and more shareable code

David Wilby
20 October 2022 13:00

If you know how to write code, it’s not actually that hard to make it better! You just need to know how.

This quick blog is intended to be fairly non-specific with regard to programming language, my experience is mainly with Python & MATLAB, but I believe the principles should extend to any language. In theory.

Firstly, what do I mean by “better” here? I mean:

  • more readable
  • less repetetive
  • easier to debug
  • less prone to errors
  • simpler for others to use

Let’s get into it.

Demonstrating Importance and Value in Research Software

David Wilby
13 October 2022 10:00

As research software engineers (RSEs) or researchers who develop software & code, at some point we will need to provide evidence that our software actually has some positive effect on the world. Whether this is for career progression, the REF, just for your own peace of mind or any of a whole host of reasons, collecting usage data takes many forms but can often come as an afterthought.

This International RSE day (Thursday 13th October 2022) let’s have a look at how we can plan to collect some evidence to demonstrate the value of our work and hopefully mitigate some potential stumbling blocks in our career progression.

When it comes to ‘traditional research outputs’ (i.e. peer-reviewed publications), the dreaded journal impact factor1 has come to be the de facto standard measure of the quality of a piece of research, however flawed we know it to be.2 Along with numbers of citations3, these measures are a big part of what’s used to determine how worthy the author of some research is of: promotion, funding, recognition etc. But with software, we don’t implicitly have the *ahem* “luxury” of impact factors and numbers of citations so using other ways of showing that our work has merit is something of a necessity, but how do we do that?

  1. Originally conceived as a metric to help librarians select journals to subscribe to, the impact factor is a measure of a journal’s ratio of citations to papers published. 

  2. See the Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) for more on the movement to improve the way researchers and scholarly work are evaluated. 

  3. Flawed for many reasons as well, not least because of the massive disparity in citation rates across disciplines. 

pre-commit : Protecting your future self

Neil Shephard
10 October 2022 13:00

Pre-commit is a powerful tool for executing a range of hooks prior to making commits to your Git history. This is useful because it means you can automatically run a range of linting tools on your code across an array of languages to ensure your code is up-to-scratch before you make the commit.

Five secret research code cheats

Bob Turner
22 September 2022 13:00

Thanks 🙏 to Neil Shephard for checking though this!

Research Software Engineers are often not much better at actually writing code than any other researcher, we just know a lot of cheats, shortcuts and ways to automate things. I’m going to risk the wrath of my fellow engineers and share some of these here. They will mean you can work a bit faster, but mostly will stop you throwing code away when you come back to it after a few months and can’t figure out what the flip it’s supposed to do.

Upcoming : Git & GitHub through GitKraken - Zero to Hero!

Neil Shephard
23 August 2022 13:00

The RSE Team are pleased to announce three scheduled sessions of the increasingly popular Git & GitHub through GitKraken - Zero to Hero!. These courses will run over two consecutive days in morning sessions from 09:30 to 13:00 on the following days.

What are Git, GitHub and GitKraken?

Git is a system of version controlling your code. Think of it as a lab-book or doctors notes that are taken as you progress through your work, recording conditions, saving what has worked and correcting what doesn’t.

GitHub is a website that allows people to work collaboratively on version controlled code.

GitKraken is a client for working with Git and GitHub that includes both a GUI (Graphical User Interface) and a CLI (Command Line Interface)

Who is the course for?

Everyone who writes code! If you write scripts to analyse your code in R, Stata or Matlab you would benefit from using Git to version control your code and GitHub to share your code and make it open. If you write Python, JavaScript, C/++ code as part of a team in your research group you would benefit from using Git and GitHub to work together.

Getting started with these tools can be overwhelming but by taking this course you will be introduced to the concepts behind them and how to use them effectively to not just version control your own work but work with others on the same code.

The course material is available online if you want to take a peek and the first half using Git and publishing web-pages can be worked through in your own time. The real benefit comes from participating in the collaborative exercises in the second half where you work together on projects making Pull Requests and resolving problems that arise.

If you’ve never used Git, GitHub or GitKraken or have only just started then sign-up and come and learn more about these powerful tools.

Handy tools for git(s)

David Wilby, Will Furnass, Joe Heffer, Neil Shephard, Bob Turner, Mark Dunning
18 August 2022 11:00

git is an exceptionally popular and useful tool in developing software. In the RSE team we’ve been running a regular course on using git and GitHub via a great interface called GitKraken client. Recently, we got together as part of one of our LunchBytes events to share our favourite tools and tips for working with git and GitHub, so here are some of the tools that we saw demonstrations of! You can also see demos of each tool in the video from the LunchBytes session below, time codes are provided in each section.

We're hiring - how do we assess candidates for RSE jobs?

RSE Team
18 July 2022 11:00

We want to make our candidate selection process as open as possible. Generally we’re not trying to hire people who can solve software problems on the acute timescale and in the pressured situation of a job interview, so maybe it’s best to share some example interview questions and assessment tools with everyone?

This is a representative example, and gives an idea of what to expect, but the process we use for any specific role may differ somewhat.

Join our team!

RSE Team
12 May 2022 11:00

We have a job advert out for an RSE! Here are six reasons to apply:

  1. Varied projects. We work on research in areas such as astrophysics, healthcare, molecular biology, civil engineering and many more. Maybe you’ve been working on one area for years and you’re keen to work with researchers in diverse fields?
  2. We don’t need an expert in everything right away. Lots of people have joined our team having developed coding skills working on research, and learned more software engineering once in the team. Our team is made up of people who specialise in sharing software engineering skills with researchers.
  3. Make a difference. Our team works with public/private sector organisations, and charities to give our output the best chance of making a positive difference outside the university. We also enthuse about and participate in open research wherever possible.
  4. Flexibility. We’re happy to discuss flexible and part time working options. One of our team has recently reduced their hours from 100% to 80%. Working as a pool makes this much more practicable. Furthermore, in contrast to most RA roles this position is open-ended.
  5. Do useful stuff with code. We are most interested in your ability to do useful things with code and work with other people. We don’t tend to ask questions about the theory of computer science in interviews. The interest is in modern software technology, code you’ve written, how it was used and how it could be improved.
  6. Reward and recognition. All of the Sheffield RSE team are employed within the academic careers pathway, a new flexible career development structure which recognises a broad range of research outputs including software. The pathway provides a clear route for promotion up to the level of professor.

Please view the advert to apply, and see contact details for enquiries about the job. General enquires about the team are welcome at

A concise guide to reproducible MATLAB projects

David Wilby
5 May 2022 11:00

In research, it is of utmost importance to the scientific process to be able to reproduce research findings in order to establish their validity. However, more often than not, the code that is written for research purposes cannot be easily run again, sometimes even by the code’s authour (yours truly included!).

This year, I’ve been awarded a fellowship by the Software Sustainability Institute to develop guidance and training to help researchers who use MATLAB to find and learn the tools that they need to easily produce better research by making their code reproducible.

During my PhD and postdoctoral research, I used MATLAB, among other languages, to analyse data, run simulations, make figures and control instrumentation. However, at the time, I didn’t know about the concepts required to make my code reproducible for myself and others. Over the last few years, as a Research Software Engineer, I’ve gained the experience needed to develop reproducible software in a range of languages including MATLAB. Now it’s time to share what I’ve learned with everyone!

This blog post should serve as a very brief set of signposts to some of the concepts you can use to develop a reproducible project in MATLAB. You can expect more to come throughout my fellowship, so watch this space.

Contact Us

For queries relating to collaborating with the RSE team on projects:

Information and access to JADE II and Bede.

Join our mailing list so as to be notified when we advertise talks and workshops by subscribing to this Google Group.

Queries regarding free research computing support/guidance should be raised via our Code clinic or directed to the University IT helpdesk.