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Working with Environments


Teaching: 60 min
Exercises: 15 min
  • What is a Conda environment?

  • How do I create (delete) an environment?

  • How do I activate (deactivate) an environment?

  • How do I install packages into existing environments using Conda?

  • How do I find out what packages have been installed in an environment?

  • How do I find out what environments that exist on my machine?

  • How do I delete an environment that I no longer need?

  • Understand how Conda environments can improve your research workflow.

  • Create a new environment.

  • Activate (deactivate) a particular environment.

  • Install packages into existing environments using Conda.

  • List all of the existing environments on your machine.

  • List all of the installed packages within a particular environment.

  • Delete an entire environment.

Workspace for Conda environments

If you haven’t done it yet, create a new conda-environments-for-effective-and-reproducible-research directory on your Desktop in order to maintain a consistent workspace for all the material covered in this course. The Conda environments are not stored there but other files will be.

On Mac OSX and Linux running following commands in the Terminal will create the required directory on the Desktop.

$ cd ~/Desktop
$ mkdir conda-environments-for-effective-and-reproducible-research
$ cd conda-environments-for-effective-and-reproducible-research

For Windows users you may need to reverse the direction of the slash and run the commands from the command prompt.

> cd ~\Desktop
> mkdir conda-environments-for-effective-and-reproducible-research
> cd conda-environments-for-effective-and-reproducible-research

Alternatively, you can always “right-click” and “create new folder” on your Desktop. All the commands that are run during the workshop should be run in a terminal within the conda-environments-for-effective-and-reproducible-research directory.

What is a Conda environment?

A Conda environment is a directory that contains a specific collection of Conda packages that you have installed. For example, you may be working on a research project that requires NumPy 1.24.1 and its dependencies, while another environment associated with an finished project has NumPy 1.12.1 (perhaps because version 1.12 was the most current version of NumPy at the time the project finished). If you change one environment, your other environments are not affected. You can easily activate or deactivate environments, which is how you switch between them.

Avoid installing packages into your base Conda environment

Conda has a default environment called base that includes a Python installation and some core system libraries and dependencies of Conda. It is a “best practice” to avoid installing additional packages into your base software environment as this can cause dependency complications further down the line. Additional packages needed for a new project should always be installed into a newly created Conda environment.

Conda has a help system

Conda has a built in help system that can be called from the command line if you are unsure of the commands/syntax to use.

$ conda --help

If you want to read the help on a specific sub-command/action then use conda <action> --help for example to read the help on install use.

$ conda install --help

Creating environments

To create a new environment for Python development using conda you can use the conda create command.

$ conda create --name basic-scipy-env

For a list of all commands, take a look at Conda general commands.

It is a good idea to give your environment a meaningful name in order to help yourself remember the purpose of the environment. While naming things can be difficult, $PROJECT_NAME-env is a good convention to follow. Sometimes including the version of Python you created the environment with is useful too.

The command above created a new Conda environment called basic-scipy-env and installed a recent version of Python (3.10 if you downloaded the most recent install script). You can however specify a specific version of Python for conda to install when creating the environment by adding a version number e.g. to python=3.8.

$ conda create --name python38-env python=3.8

Activating an existing environment

Activating environments is essential to making the software in environments work well (or sometimes at all!). Activation of an environment does two things.

  1. Adds entries to $PATH for the environment.
  2. Runs any activation scripts that the environment may contain.

Step 2 is particularly important as activation scripts are how packages can set arbitrary environment variables that may be necessary for their operation. You activate the basic-scipy-env environment by name using the activate command.

$ conda activate basic-scipy-env

You can see that an environment has been activated because the shell prompt will now include the name of the active environment.

(basic-scipy-env) $

Creating and activating a new environment

Create a new environment called “machine-learning-39-env” with Python 3.9 explicitly specified and activate it


In order to create a new environment you use the conda create command

$ conda create --name machine-learning-39-env python=3.9
$ conda activate machine-learning-39-env

Deactivate the current environment

To deactivate the currently active environment use the Conda deactivate command as follows.

(basic-scipy-env) $ conda deactivate

You can see that an environment has been deactivated because the shell prompt will no longer include the name of the previously active environment, but will return to base.

(base) $

Returning to the base environment

To return to the base Conda environment, it’s better to call conda activate with no environment specified, rather than to use deactivate. If you run conda deactivate from your base environment, you may lose the ability to run conda commands at all. Don’t worry if you encounter this undesirable state! Just start a new shell or source ~/.bashrc if you are on a Linux or OSX system.

Activate an existing environment by name

Activate the machine-learning-39-env environment created in the previous challenge by name.


In order to activate an existing environment by name you use the conda activate command as follows.

$ conda activate machine-learning-39-env

Deactivate the active environment

Deactivate the machine-learning-39-env environment that you activated in the previous challenge.


In order to deactivate the active environment you could use the conda deactivate command.

(active-environment-name) $ conda deactivate

Or you could switch back to the base conda environment this way.

(active-environment-name) $ conda activate

Installing a package into an existing environment

You can install a package into an existing environment using the conda install command. This command accepts a list of package specifications (i.e., numpy=1.18) and installs a set of packages consistent with those specifications and compatible with the underlying environment. If full compatibility cannot be assured, an error is reported and the environment is not changed.

By default the conda install command will install packages into the current, active environment. The following would activate the basic-scipy-env we created above and install Numba, an open source JIT (Just In Time) compiler that translates a subset of Python and numpy code into fast machine code, into the active environment.

$ conda activate basic-scipy-env
$ conda install numba

If version numbers are not explicitly provided, Conda will attempt to install the newest versions of any requested packages. To accomplish this, Conda may need to update some packages that are already installed or install additional packages. It is sometimes a good idea to explicitly provide version numbers when installing packages with the conda install command. For example, the following would install a particular version of Scikit-Learn into the current, active environment.

$ conda install scikit-learn=1.2

You can specify a version number for each package you wish to install

In order to make your results reproducible and to make it easier for research colleagues to recreate your Conda environments on their machines it is sometimes a good practice to explicitly specify the version number for each package that you install into an environment.

Many packages use semantic versioning where there are three version numbers separated by decimal points e.g. 2.11.3. In this scheme the numbers have this meaning: major_version.minor_version.patch_version. Changes to patch_version are for backwards compatible bug fixes, so we often only specify the first two numbers.

If you are not sure exactly which version of a package you want to use, then you can use search to see what versions are available using the conda search command.

$ conda search <PACKAGE_NAME>

For example, if you wanted to see which versions of Scikit-learn, a popular Python library for machine learning, are available, you would run the following.

$ conda search scikit-learn

As always you can run conda search --help to learn about available options.

When conda installs a package into an environment it also installs any required dependencies. For example, even though numpy was not listed as a package to install when numba was installed conda will still install numpy into the environment because it is a required dependency of numba.

You can install multiple packages by listing the packages that you wish to install, optionally including the version you wish to use.

$ conda activate basic-scipy-env
$ conda install ipython matplotlib=3.7 scipy=1.9

What actually happens when I install packages?

During the installation process, files are extracted into the specified environment (defaulting to the current environment if none is specified). Installing the files of a Conda package into an environment can be thought of as changing the directory to an environment, and then downloading and extracting the package and its dependencies. Conda does the hard work of figuring out what dependencies are needed and making sure that they will all work together.

Running the following command in the basic-scipy-env will fail as the requested scipy and numpy versions are incompatible with Python 3.10 the environment was created with (numpy=1.9.3 is quite an old version).

$ conda install scipy=1.9.3 numpy=1.9.3


What are some of the potential benefits of specifying versions of each package, what are some of the potential drawbacks.


Specifying versions exactly helps make it more likely that the exact results of an analysis will be reproducible e.g. at a later time or on a different computer. However, not all versions of a package will be compatible with all versions of another, so specifying exact versions can make it harder to add or change packages in the future, limiting reusability e.g. with different data.

Freezing installed packages

To prevent existing packages from being updated when using the conda install command, you can use the --freeze-installed option. This may force Conda to install older versions of the requested packages in order to maintain compatibility with previously installed packages. Using the --freeze-installed option does not prevent additional dependency packages from being installed.

Installing a package into a specific environment

dask provides advanced parallelism for data science workflows enabling performance at scale for the core Python data science tools such as numpy, pandas, and scikit-learn. Have a read through the official documentation for the conda install command and see if you can figure out how to install dask into the machine-learning-39-env that you created in the previous challenge.


You can activate the machine-learning-39-env environment, search for available versions of dask and then use the conda install command as follows.

$ conda activate machine-learning-39-env
$ conda search dask
$ conda install dask=2022.7.0

Listing existing environments

Now that you have created a number of Conda environments on your local machine you have probably forgotten the names of all of the environments and exactly where they live. Fortunately, there is a conda command to list all of your existing environments together with their locations.

$ conda env list
# conda environments:
base                  *  /home/neil/miniconda3
basic-scipy-env          /home/neil/miniconda3/envs/basic-scipy-env
machine-learning-39-env  /home/neil/miniconda3/envs/machine-learning-39-env
python310-env            /home/neil/miniconda3/envs/python310-env
scikit-learn-env         /home/neil/miniconda3/envs/scikit-learn-env
scikit-learn-kaggle-env  /home/neil/miniconda3/envs/scikit-learn-kaggle-env

Where do Conda environments live?

Another method of finding out where your Conda environment live if you’re not sure is to use conda --info which provides the location of the active directory (active env location :) and the location environments are stored (envs directories : ) along with additional information.

conda info

    active environment : base
   active env location : /home/neil/miniconda3
           shell level : 1
        user config file : /home/neil/.condarc
  populated config files : /home/neil/miniconda3/.condarc
         conda version : 23.1.0
   conda-build version : not installed
        python version :
      virtual packages : __archspec=1=x86_64
      base environment : /home/neil/miniconda3  (writable)
     conda av data dir : /home/neil/miniconda3/etc/conda
 conda av metadata url : None
          channel URLs :
         package cache : /home/neil/miniconda3/pkgs
      envs directories : /home/neil/miniconda3/envs
              platform : linux-64
            user-agent : conda/23.1.0 requests/2.28.1 CPython/3.10.8 Linux/6.2.6-arch1-1 arch/ glibc/2.37
               UID:GID : 1000:1000
             netrc file : None
            offline mode : False

Listing the contents of an environment

In addition to forgetting names and locations of Conda environments, at some point you will probably forget exactly what has been installed in a particular Conda environment. Again, there is a conda command for listing the contents on an environment. To list the contents of the basic-scipy-env that you created above, run the following command.

$ conda list --name basic-scipy-env

Listing the contents of a particular environment.

List the packages installed in the machine-learning-env environment that you created in a previous challenge.


You can list the packages and their versions installed in machine-learning-env using the conda list command as follows.

$ conda list --name machine-learning-env

To list the packages and their versions installed in the active environment leave off the --name option.

$ conda list

Deleting entire environments

Occasionally, you will want to delete an entire environment. Perhaps you were experimenting with conda commands and you created an environment you have no intention of using; perhaps you no longer need an existing environment and just want to get rid of cruft on your machine. Whatever the reason, the command to delete an environment is the following.

$ conda remove --name first-conda-env --all

Delete an entire environment

Delete the entire “basic-scipy-env” environment.


In order to delete an entire environment you use the conda remove command as follows.

$ conda remove --name basic-scipy-env --all --yes

This command will remove all packages from the named environment before removing the environment itself. The use of the --yes flag short-circuits the confirmation prompt (and should be used with caution).

Key Points

  • A Conda environment is a directory that contains a specific collection of Conda packages that you have installed.

  • You create (remove) a new environment using the conda create (conda remove) commands.

  • You activate (deactivate) an environment using the conda activate (conda deactivate) commands.

  • You install packages into environments conda install.

  • Use the conda env list command to list existing environments and their respective locations.

  • Use the conda list command to list all of the packages installed in an environment.

  • Use the conda [command] --help to get information on how to use conda or a specific command.