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Conda environments for effective and reproducible research

Getting Started with Conda


Teaching: 15 min
Exercises: 5 min
  • What are the key terms I need to understand such as ‘package’, ‘dependency’ and ‘environment’?

  • Why should I use a package and environment management system as part of my research workflow?

  • What is Conda and why should I use it?

  • Understand why you should use a package and environment management system as part of your (data) science workflow.

  • Explain the benefits of using Conda as part of your (data) science workflow.

Packages and Environments

When working with a programming language, such as Python, that can do almost anything, one has to wonder how this is possible. You download Python, it is about 25 MB, how can everything be included in this small data package. The answer is - it is not. Python, as well as many other programming languages use additional software for being able to doing almost anything. You can see this already when you start programming. After learning some very basics, you often learn how to import something into your script or session.


Additional software is grouped together into packages e.g. numpy or pytorch to make it easier to install just the bits we need. Different programming languages have different types of package, and some have several.

A Conda package, for example, is a compressed archive file (.tar.bz2 or .conda) that contains:

All Conda packages have a specific sub-directory structure inside the archive file, the detail of what goes on in there is beyond the scope of this course.


A bit further into your programming career you may notice/have noticed that many packages do not just do everything on their own. Instead, they depend on other packages for their functionality. For example, the scipy package is used for numerical routines. To not reinvent the wheel, the package makes use of other packages, such as numpy (numerical python) and matplotlib (plotting) and many more. So we say that numpy and matplotlib are dependencies of scipy.

Many packages are being further developed all the time, generating different versions of packages. During development it may happen that a function call changes and/or functionalities are added or removed. If one package can depend on another, this may create issues. Therefore it is not only important to know that e.g. scipy depends on numpy and matplotlib, but also could be that it depends on numpy version >= 1.19.5 and matplotlib version >= 2. numpy version 1.5 in this case would not be sufficient.

Conda keeps track of the dependencies between packages and platforms.


When starting with programming we may not use many packages yet and the installation may be straightforward. But for most people, there comes a time when one version of a package or also the programming language is not enough anymore. You may find an older tool that depends on an older version of your programming language (e.g. Python 2.7), but many of your other tools depend on a newer version (e.g. Python 3.6). You could now start up another computer or virtual machine to run the other version of the programming language, but this is not very handy, since you may want to use the tools together in a workflow later on. Here, environments are one solution to the problem. Nowadays there are several environment management systems following a similar idea: Instead of having to use multiple computers or virtual machines to run different versions of the same package, you can install packages in isolated environments.

Package management

A good package management system greatly simplifies the process of installing software by…

  1. identifying and installing compatible versions of software and all required dependencies.
  2. handling the process of updating software as more recent versions become available.

If you use some flavor of Linux, then you are probably familiar with the package manager for your Linux distribution (i.e., apt on Ubuntu, yum on CentOS); if you are a Mac OSX user then you might be familiar with the Home Brew Project which brings a Linux-like package management system to Mac OS; if you are a Windows OS user, then you may not be terribly familiar with package managers as there isn’t really a standard package manager for Windows (although there is the Chocolatey Project).

Operating system package management tools are great but these tools actually solve a more general problem than you often face as a (data) scientist. As a (data) scientist you typically use one or two core scripting languages (i.e., Python, R, SQL). Each scripting language has multiple versions that can potentially be installed and each scripting language will also have a large number of third-party packages that will need to be installed. The exact version of your core scripting language(s) and additional, third-party packages will also probably change from project to project.

Why should I use a package and environment management system?

Installing software is hard. Installing scientific software is often even more challenging. In order to minimize the burden of installing and updating software (data) scientists often install software packages that they need for their various projects system-wide.

Installing software system-wide has a number of drawbacks:

Put differently, installing software system-wide creates complex dependencies between your research projects that shouldn’t really exist!

Rather than installing software system-wide, wouldn’t it be great if we could install software separately for each research project?

An environment management system solves a number of problems commonly encountered by (data) scientists.

    graph TD;
    subgraph C1["Bob's Computer"]
            'Birdcore' Environment 
Python 3.6
Pandas 1.0.1
PySpark 2.4.8 "] spaceship1[" 'Spaceship' Environment
Python 3.10
Pandas 1.3.5
Matplotlib 3.5.1"] end subgraph C2["Fariba's Computer"] fishstick[" 'Fishstick' Environment
Python 2.7
Numpy 1.14.4
Matplotlib 2.2.5 "] spaceship2[" 'Spaceship' Environment
Python 3.10
Pandas 1.3.5
Matplotlib 3.5.1"] end birdcore --> run_spaceship_a["Run ❌"] spaceship1 --> run_spaceship_b["Run ✔️"] fishstick --> run_spaceship_c["Run ❌"] spaceship2 --> run_spaceship_d["Run ✔️"]

An environment management system enables you to set up a new, project specific software environment containing specific Python versions as well as the versions of additional packages and required dependencies that are all mutually compatible.


From the official Conda documentation. Conda is an open source package and environment management system that runs on Windows, Mac OS and Linux.

Conda as a package manager helps you find and install packages. If you need a package that requires a different version of Python, you do not need to switch to a different environment manager, because Conda is also an environment manager. With just a few commands, you can set up a totally separate environment to run that different version of Python, while continuing to run your usual version of Python in your normal environment.

Conda vs. Miniconda vs. Anaconda

Conda vs. Miniconda vs. Anaconda

Users are often confused about the differences between Conda, Miniconda, and Anaconda. Conda is a tool for managing environments and installing packages. Miniconda combines Conda with Python and a small number of core packages; Anaconda includes Miniconda as well as a large number of the most widely used Python packages.

Why use Conda?

In Python there is a built in package manager pip and virtual environment manager venv, so why use Conda? Whilst there are many different package and environment management systems that solve either the package management problem or the environment management problem, Conda solves both of these problems and is explicitly targeted at (data) science use cases.

Additionally, Anaconda provides commonly used data science libraries and tools, such as R, NumPy, SciPy and TensorFlow built using optimised, hardware specific libraries (such as Intel’s MKL or NVIDIA’s CUDA), which provides a speedup without having to change any of your code.

Key Points

  • Conda is a platform agnostic, open source package and environment management system.

  • Using a package and environment management tool facilitates portability and reproducibility of (data) science workflows.

  • Conda solves both the package and environment management problems and targets multiple programming languages. Other open source tools solve either one or the other, or target only a particular programming language.

  • Anaconda is not only for Python

Working with Environments


Teaching: 60 min
Exercises: 15 min
  • What is a Conda environment?

  • How do I create (delete) an environment?

  • How do I activate (deactivate) an environment?

  • How do I install packages into existing environments using Conda?

  • How do I find out what packages have been installed in an environment?

  • How do I find out what environments that exist on my machine?

  • How do I delete an environment that I no longer need?

  • Understand how Conda environments can improve your research workflow.

  • Create a new environment.

  • Activate (deactivate) a particular environment.

  • Install packages into existing environments using Conda.

  • List all of the existing environments on your machine.

  • List all of the installed packages within a particular environment.

  • Delete an entire environment.

Workspace for Conda environments

If you haven’t done it yet, create a new conda-environments-for-effective-and-reproducible-research directory on your Desktop in order to maintain a consistent workspace for all the material covered in this course. The Conda environments are not stored there but other files will be.

On Mac OSX and Linux running following commands in the Terminal will create the required directory on the Desktop.

$ cd ~/Desktop
$ mkdir conda-environments-for-effective-and-reproducible-research
$ cd conda-environments-for-effective-and-reproducible-research

For Windows users you may need to reverse the direction of the slash and run the commands from the command prompt.

> cd ~\Desktop
> mkdir conda-environments-for-effective-and-reproducible-research
> cd conda-environments-for-effective-and-reproducible-research

Alternatively, you can always “right-click” and “create new folder” on your Desktop. All the commands that are run during the workshop should be run in a terminal within the conda-environments-for-effective-and-reproducible-research directory.

What is a Conda environment?

A Conda environment is a directory that contains a specific collection of Conda packages that you have installed. For example, you may be working on a research project that requires NumPy 1.24.1 and its dependencies, while another environment associated with an finished project has NumPy 1.12.1 (perhaps because version 1.12 was the most current version of NumPy at the time the project finished). If you change one environment, your other environments are not affected. You can easily activate or deactivate environments, which is how you switch between them.

Avoid installing packages into your base Conda environment

Conda has a default environment called base that includes a Python installation and some core system libraries and dependencies of Conda. It is a “best practice” to avoid installing additional packages into your base software environment as this can cause dependency complications further down the line. Additional packages needed for a new project should always be installed into a newly created Conda environment.

Conda has a help system

Conda has a built in help system that can be called from the command line if you are unsure of the commands/syntax to use.

$ conda --help

If you want to read the help on a specific sub-command/action then use conda <action> --help for example to read the help on install use.

$ conda install --help

Creating environments

To create a new environment for Python development using conda you can use the conda create command.

$ conda create --name basic-scipy-env

For a list of all commands, take a look at Conda general commands.

It is a good idea to give your environment a meaningful name in order to help yourself remember the purpose of the environment. While naming things can be difficult, $PROJECT_NAME-env is a good convention to follow. Sometimes including the version of Python you created the environment with is useful too.

The command above created a new Conda environment called basic-scipy-env and installed a recent version of Python (3.10 if you downloaded the most recent install script). You can however specify a specific version of Python for conda to install when creating the environment by adding a version number e.g. to python=3.8.

$ conda create --name python38-env python=3.8

Activating an existing environment

Activating environments is essential to making the software in environments work well (or sometimes at all!). Activation of an environment does two things.

  1. Adds entries to $PATH for the environment.
  2. Runs any activation scripts that the environment may contain.

Step 2 is particularly important as activation scripts are how packages can set arbitrary environment variables that may be necessary for their operation. You activate the basic-scipy-env environment by name using the activate command.

$ conda activate basic-scipy-env

You can see that an environment has been activated because the shell prompt will now include the name of the active environment.

(basic-scipy-env) $

Creating and activating a new environment

Create a new environment called “machine-learning-39-env” with Python 3.9 explicitly specified and activate it


In order to create a new environment you use the conda create command

$ conda create --name machine-learning-39-env python=3.9
$ conda activate machine-learning-39-env

Deactivate the current environment

To deactivate the currently active environment use the Conda deactivate command as follows.

(basic-scipy-env) $ conda deactivate

You can see that an environment has been deactivated because the shell prompt will no longer include the name of the previously active environment, but will return to base.

(base) $

Returning to the base environment

To return to the base Conda environment, it’s better to call conda activate with no environment specified, rather than to use deactivate. If you run conda deactivate from your base environment, you may lose the ability to run conda commands at all. Don’t worry if you encounter this undesirable state! Just start a new shell or source ~/.bashrc if you are on a Linux or OSX system.

Activate an existing environment by name

Activate the machine-learning-39-env environment created in the previous challenge by name.


In order to activate an existing environment by name you use the conda activate command as follows.

$ conda activate machine-learning-39-env

Deactivate the active environment

Deactivate the machine-learning-39-env environment that you activated in the previous challenge.


In order to deactivate the active environment you could use the conda deactivate command.

(active-environment-name) $ conda deactivate

Or you could switch back to the base conda environment this way.

(active-environment-name) $ conda activate

Installing a package into an existing environment

You can install a package into an existing environment using the conda install command. This command accepts a list of package specifications (i.e., numpy=1.18) and installs a set of packages consistent with those specifications and compatible with the underlying environment. If full compatibility cannot be assured, an error is reported and the environment is not changed.

By default the conda install command will install packages into the current, active environment. The following would activate the basic-scipy-env we created above and install Numba, an open source JIT (Just In Time) compiler that translates a subset of Python and numpy code into fast machine code, into the active environment.

$ conda activate basic-scipy-env
$ conda install numba

If version numbers are not explicitly provided, Conda will attempt to install the newest versions of any requested packages. To accomplish this, Conda may need to update some packages that are already installed or install additional packages. It is sometimes a good idea to explicitly provide version numbers when installing packages with the conda install command. For example, the following would install a particular version of Scikit-Learn into the current, active environment.

$ conda install scikit-learn=1.2

You can specify a version number for each package you wish to install

In order to make your results reproducible and to make it easier for research colleagues to recreate your Conda environments on their machines it is sometimes a good practice to explicitly specify the version number for each package that you install into an environment.

Many packages use semantic versioning where there are three version numbers separated by decimal points e.g. 2.11.3. In this scheme the numbers have this meaning: major_version.minor_version.patch_version. Changes to patch_version are for backwards compatible bug fixes, so we often only specify the first two numbers.

If you are not sure exactly which version of a package you want to use, then you can use search to see what versions are available using the conda search command.

$ conda search <PACKAGE_NAME>

For example, if you wanted to see which versions of Scikit-learn, a popular Python library for machine learning, are available, you would run the following.

$ conda search scikit-learn

As always you can run conda search --help to learn about available options.

When conda installs a package into an environment it also installs any required dependencies. For example, even though numpy was not listed as a package to install when numba was installed conda will still install numpy into the environment because it is a required dependency of numba.

You can install multiple packages by listing the packages that you wish to install, optionally including the version you wish to use.

$ conda activate basic-scipy-env
$ conda install ipython matplotlib=3.7 scipy=1.9

What actually happens when I install packages?

During the installation process, files are extracted into the specified environment (defaulting to the current environment if none is specified). Installing the files of a Conda package into an environment can be thought of as changing the directory to an environment, and then downloading and extracting the package and its dependencies. Conda does the hard work of figuring out what dependencies are needed and making sure that they will all work together.

Running the following command in the basic-scipy-env will fail as the requested scipy and numpy versions are incompatible with Python 3.10 the environment was created with (numpy=1.9.3 is quite an old version).

$ conda install scipy=1.9.3 numpy=1.9.3


What are some of the potential benefits of specifying versions of each package, what are some of the potential drawbacks.


Specifying versions exactly helps make it more likely that the exact results of an analysis will be reproducible e.g. at a later time or on a different computer. However, not all versions of a package will be compatible with all versions of another, so specifying exact versions can make it harder to add or change packages in the future, limiting reusability e.g. with different data.

Freezing installed packages

To prevent existing packages from being updated when using the conda install command, you can use the --freeze-installed option. This may force Conda to install older versions of the requested packages in order to maintain compatibility with previously installed packages. Using the --freeze-installed option does not prevent additional dependency packages from being installed.

Installing a package into a specific environment

dask provides advanced parallelism for data science workflows enabling performance at scale for the core Python data science tools such as numpy, pandas, and scikit-learn. Have a read through the official documentation for the conda install command and see if you can figure out how to install dask into the machine-learning-39-env that you created in the previous challenge.


You can activate the machine-learning-39-env environment, search for available versions of dask and then use the conda install command as follows.

$ conda activate machine-learning-39-env
$ conda search dask
$ conda install dask=2022.7.0

Listing existing environments

Now that you have created a number of Conda environments on your local machine you have probably forgotten the names of all of the environments and exactly where they live. Fortunately, there is a conda command to list all of your existing environments together with their locations.

$ conda env list
# conda environments:
base                  *  /home/neil/miniconda3
basic-scipy-env          /home/neil/miniconda3/envs/basic-scipy-env
machine-learning-39-env  /home/neil/miniconda3/envs/machine-learning-39-env
python310-env            /home/neil/miniconda3/envs/python310-env
scikit-learn-env         /home/neil/miniconda3/envs/scikit-learn-env
scikit-learn-kaggle-env  /home/neil/miniconda3/envs/scikit-learn-kaggle-env

Where do Conda environments live?

Another method of finding out where your Conda environment live if you’re not sure is to use conda --info which provides the location of the active directory (active env location :) and the location environments are stored (envs directories : ) along with additional information.

conda info

    active environment : base
   active env location : /home/neil/miniconda3
           shell level : 1
        user config file : /home/neil/.condarc
  populated config files : /home/neil/miniconda3/.condarc
         conda version : 23.1.0
   conda-build version : not installed
        python version :
      virtual packages : __archspec=1=x86_64
      base environment : /home/neil/miniconda3  (writable)
     conda av data dir : /home/neil/miniconda3/etc/conda
 conda av metadata url : None
          channel URLs :
         package cache : /home/neil/miniconda3/pkgs
      envs directories : /home/neil/miniconda3/envs
              platform : linux-64
            user-agent : conda/23.1.0 requests/2.28.1 CPython/3.10.8 Linux/6.2.6-arch1-1 arch/ glibc/2.37
               UID:GID : 1000:1000
             netrc file : None
            offline mode : False

Listing the contents of an environment

In addition to forgetting names and locations of Conda environments, at some point you will probably forget exactly what has been installed in a particular Conda environment. Again, there is a conda command for listing the contents on an environment. To list the contents of the basic-scipy-env that you created above, run the following command.

$ conda list --name basic-scipy-env

Listing the contents of a particular environment.

List the packages installed in the machine-learning-env environment that you created in a previous challenge.


You can list the packages and their versions installed in machine-learning-env using the conda list command as follows.

$ conda list --name machine-learning-env

To list the packages and their versions installed in the active environment leave off the --name option.

$ conda list

Deleting entire environments

Occasionally, you will want to delete an entire environment. Perhaps you were experimenting with conda commands and you created an environment you have no intention of using; perhaps you no longer need an existing environment and just want to get rid of cruft on your machine. Whatever the reason, the command to delete an environment is the following.

$ conda remove --name first-conda-env --all

Delete an entire environment

Delete the entire “basic-scipy-env” environment.


In order to delete an entire environment you use the conda remove command as follows.

$ conda remove --name basic-scipy-env --all --yes

This command will remove all packages from the named environment before removing the environment itself. The use of the --yes flag short-circuits the confirmation prompt (and should be used with caution).

Key Points

  • A Conda environment is a directory that contains a specific collection of Conda packages that you have installed.

  • You create (remove) a new environment using the conda create (conda remove) commands.

  • You activate (deactivate) an environment using the conda activate (conda deactivate) commands.

  • You install packages into environments conda install.

  • Use the conda env list command to list existing environments and their respective locations.

  • Use the conda list command to list all of the packages installed in an environment.

  • Use the conda [command] --help to get information on how to use conda or a specific command.

Using Conda Channels and PyPI (pip)


Teaching: 20 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • What are Conda channels?

  • Why should I be explicit about which channels my research project uses?

  • What should I do if a Python package isn’t available via a Conda channel?

  • Install a package from a specific channel.

What are Conda channels?

Conda packages are downloaded from remote channels, which are URLs to directories containing conda packages. The conda command searches a standard set of channels, referred to as defaults. The defaults channels include:

Unless otherwise specified, packages installed using conda will be downloaded from the defaults channels.

The conda-forge channel

In addition to the defaults channels that are managed by Anaconda Inc., there is another channel that also has

a special status. The Conda-Forge project “is a community led collection of recipes, build infrastructure and distributions for the conda package manager.

There are a few reasons that you may wish to use the conda-forge channel instead of the defaults channel maintained by Anaconda:

  1. Packages on conda-forge may be more up-to-date than those on the defaults channel.
  2. There are packages on the conda-forge channel that aren’t available from defaults.

My package isn’t available in the defaults channels! What should I do?

You may find that packages (or often more recent versions of packages!) that you need to install for your project are not available on the defaults channels. In this case you could try the following channels.

  1. conda-forge: the conda-forge channel contains a large number of community curated Conda packages. Typically the most recent versions of packages that are generally available via the defaults channel are available on conda-forge first.
  2. bioconda: the bioconda channel also contains a large number of Bioinformatics curated conda packages. bioconda channel is meant to be used with conda-forge, you should not worried about using the two channels when installing your prefered packages.

For example, Kaggle publishes a Python 3 API that can be used to interact with Kaggle datasets, kernels and competition submissions. You can search for the package on the defaults channels but you will not find it!

$ conda search kaggle
Loading channels: done
No match found for: kaggle. Search: *kaggle*

PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels:

  - kaggle

Current channels:


To search for alternate channels that may provide the conda package you're
looking for, navigate to

and use the search bar at the top of the page.

Let’s check whether the package exists on at least conda-forge channel. Note that the official installation instructions suggest a different way to install.

$ conda search --channel conda-forge kaggle
Loading channels: done
# Name                       Version           Build  Channel
kaggle                         1.5.3          py27_1  conda-forge
kaggle                         1.5.3          py36_1  conda-forge
kaggle                         1.5.3          py37_1  conda-forge
kaggle                         1.5.4          py27_0  conda-forge
kaggle                         1.5.4          py36_0  conda-forge
kaggle                         1.5.4          py37_0  conda-forge
kaggle                        1.5.12  py38h578d9bd_1  conda-forge
kaggle                        1.5.12  py38h578d9bd_2  conda-forge
kaggle                        1.5.12  py39hf3d152e_0  conda-forge
kaggle                        1.5.12  py39hf3d152e_1  conda-forge
kaggle                        1.5.12  py39hf3d152e_2  conda-forge
kaggle                        1.5.12    pyhd8ed1ab_4  conda-forge

Or you can also check online at

Once we know that the kaggle package is available via conda-forge we can go ahead and install it.

$ conda create --name machine-learning-env python=3.10
$ conda activate machine-learning-env
$ conda install --channel conda-forge kaggle=1.5.12

Channel priority

You may specify multiple channels for installing packages by passing the --channel argument multiple times.

$ conda install scipy=1.10.0 --channel conda-forge --channel bioconda

Channel priority decreases from left to right - the first argument has higher priority than the second. For reference, bioconda is a channel for the conda package manager specializing in bioinformatics software. For those interested in learning more about the Bioconda project, checkout the project’s GitHub page.

Please note that in our example, adding bioconda channel is irrelevant because scipy is no longer available on bioconda channel.

Specifying channels when installing packages

polars is an alternative to pandas written in the Rust programming language, so it runs faster.

Create a Python 3.10 environment called fast-analysis-project with the polars package. Also include the most recent versions of jupyterlab (so you have a nice UI) and matplotlib (so you can make plots) in your environment .


In order to create a new environment we use the conda create command. After making and activating the environment we check what versions of polars are available so we can install explicit version of these. Finally we install the version of polars we wish to use along with the most recent versions of jupyterlab and matplotlib (since we do not explicitly state the versions of these).

$ mkdir my-computer-vision-project
$ cd my-computer-vision-project/
$ conda create --name my-computer-vision-project python=3.10
$ conda activate my-computer-vision-project
$ conda search --channel conda-forge polars
$ conda install --channel conda-forge jupyterlab polars matplotlib

Hint: the --channel argument can also be shortened to -c, for more abbreviations, see also the Conda command reference .

Alternative syntax for installing packages from specific channels

There exists an alternative syntax for installing conda packages from specific channels that more explicitly links the channel being used to install a particular package under the current active environment.

$ conda install conda-forge::polars

Repeat the previous exercise using this alternative syntax to install python, jupyterlab, and matplotlib from the default channel and polars the conda-forge channel in an environment called my-final-project.


One possibility of doing this is to create the environment my-final-project with an explicit version of Python, activate it, then install the packages jupyterlab and matplotlib without specifying channel, but prefixing polars with the conda-forge:: channel.

Using pip and Conda

You can use the default Python package manager pip to install packages from Python Package Index (PyPI). However, there are a few potential issues that you should be aware of when using pip to install Python packages when using Conda.

First, pip is sometimes installed by default on operating systems where it is used to manage any Python packages needed by your OS. You do not want to use /usr/bin/pip to install Python packages when using Conda environments.

(base) $ conda deactivate
$ which python
$ which pip # sometimes installed as pip3

Windows users…

You can type where.exe in PowerShell and it does the same thing as which in bash.

Second, pip is also included in the Miniconda installer where it is used to install and manage OS specific Python packages required to setup your base Conda environment. You do not want to use this ~/miniconda3/bin/pip to install Python packages when using Conda environments.

$ conda activate
(base) $ which python
$ which pip

Why should I avoid installing packages into the base Conda environment?

If your base Conda environment becomes cluttered with a mix of pip and Conda installed packages it may no longer function. Creating separate Conda environments allows you to delete and recreate environments readily so you dont have to worry about risking your core Conda functionality when mixing packages installed with Conda and Pip.

If you find yourself needing to install a Python package that is only available via PyPI, then you should use the copy of pip, which is installed automatically when you create a Conda environment with Python, to install the desired package from PyPI. Using the pip installed in your Conda environment to install Python packages not available via Conda channels will help you avoid difficult to debug issues that frequently arise when using Python packages installed via a pip that was not installed inside you Conda environment.

Conda (+Pip)

Pitfalls of using Conda and pip together can be avoided by always ensuring your desired environment is active before installing anything using pip. This can be done by looking at the output of conda info.

Installing packages into Conda environments using pip

Combo is a comprehensive Python toolbox for combining machine learning models and scores. Model combination can be considered as a subtask of ensemble learning, and has been widely used in real-world tasks and data science competitions like Kaggle.

Activate the machine-learning-env you created in a previous challenge and use pip to install combo.


The following commands will activate the machine-learning-env and install combo.

$ conda activate machine-learning-env
$ pip install combo==0.1.*

For more details on using pip see the official documentation.

Key Points

  • A package is a compressed archive file containing system-level libraries, Python or other modules, executable programs and other components, and associated metadata.

  • A Conda channel is a URL to a directory containing a Conda package(s).

  • Conda and Pip can be used together effectively.

Sharing Environments


Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 15 min
  • Why should I share my Conda environment with others?

  • How do I share my Conda environment with others?

  • Create an environment from a YAML file that can be read by Windows, Mac OS, or Linux.

  • Create an environment based on exact package versions.

  • Create a custom kernel for a Conda environment for use inside JupyterLab and Jupyter notebooks.

  • Sharing Conda environments with other researchers facilitates the reproducibility of your research.

  • Create anenvironment.yml file that describes your project’s software environment.

Working with environment files

When working on a collaborative research project it is often the case that your operating system might differ from the operating systems used by your collaborators. Similarly, the operating system used on a remote cluster to which you have access will likely differ from the operating system that you use on your local machine. In these cases it is useful to create an operating system agnostic environment file which you can share with collaborators or use to re-create an environment on a remote cluster.

Creating an environment file

In order to make sure that your environment is truly shareable, you need to make sure that that the contents of your environment are described in such a way that the resulting environment file can be used to re-create your environment on Linux, Mac OS, and Windows. Conda uses YAML (YAML Ain’t Markup Language) for writing its environment files. YAML is a human-readable data-serialization language that is commonly used for configuration files and that uses Python-style indentation to indicate nesting.

Creating your project’s Conda environment from a single environment file is a Conda “best practice”. Not only do you have a file to share with collaborators but you also have a file that can be placed under version control which further enhances the reproducibility of your research project and workflow.

Default environment.yml file

Note that by convention Conda environment files are called environment.yml. As such if you use the conda env create sub-command without passing the --file option, then conda will expect to find a file called environment.yml in the current working directory and will throw an error if a file with that name can not be found.

Let’s take a look at a few example environment.yml files to give you an idea of how to write your own environment files.

name: machine-learning-39-env

  - ipython
  - matplotlib
  - pandas
  - pip
  - python
  - scikit-learn

This environment.yml file would create an environment called machine-learning-39-env with the most current and mutually compatible versions of the listed packages (including all required dependencies). The newly created environment would be installed inside the ~/miniconda3/envs/ directory, unless we specified a different path using --prefix.

If you prefer you can use explicit versions numbers for all packages:

name: machine-learning-39-env

  - ipython=8.8
  - matplotlib=3.6
  - pandas=1.5
  - pip=22.3
  - python=3.10
  - scikit-learn=1.2

Note that we are only specifying the major and minor version numbers and not the patch or build numbers. Defining the version number by fixing only the major and minor version numbers while allowing the patch version number to vary allows us to use our environment file to update our environment to get any bug fixes whilst still maintaining significant consistency of our Conda environment across updates.

Always version control your environment.yml files!

Version control is a system of keeping track of changes that are made to files, in this case the environment.yml file. It’s really useful to do so if for example you make and update a specific version of a package and you find it breaks something in your environment or when running your code as you then have a record of what it previously was and can revert the changes.

There are many systems for version control but the one you are most likely to encounter and we would recommend learning is Git. Unfortunately the topic is too broad to cover in this material but we include the commands to version control your files at the command line using Git.

By version controlling your environment.yml file along with your projects source code you can recreate your environment and results at any particular point in time and you do not need to version control the directory under ~/miniconda3/envs/ where the environments packages are installed.

Let’s suppose that you want to use the environment.yml file defined above to create a Conda environment in a sub-directory of some project directory. Here is how you would accomplish this task.

$ cd ~/Desktop/conda-environments-for-effective-and-reproducible-research
$ mkdir project-dir
$ cd project-dir

Once your project folder is created, create environment.yml using your favourite editor for instance nano. Finally create a new Conda environment:

$ conda env create --name project-env --file environment.yml
$ conda activate project-env

Note that the above sequence of commands assumes that the environment.yml file is stored within your project-dir directory.

Automatically generate an environment.yml

To export the packages installed into the previously created machine-learning-39-env you can run the following command:

$ conda env export --name machine-learning-39-env

When you run this command, you will see the resulting YAML formatted representation of your Conda environment streamed to the terminal. Recall that we only listed five packages when we originally created machine-learning-39-env yet from the output of the conda env export command we see that these five packages result in an environment with roughly 80 dependencies!

What’s in the exported environment.yml file

The exported version of the file looks a bit different to the one we wrote. In addition to version numbers, on some lines we’ve got another code in there e.g. vs2015_runtime=14.34.31931=h4c5c07a_10. The h4c5c07a_10 is the build variant hash. This appears when the package is different for different operating systems. The implication is that an environment file that contains a build variant hash for one or more of the packages cannot be used on a different operating system to the one it was created on.

To export this list into an environment.yml file, you can use --file option to directly save the resulting YAML environment into a file. If the target for --file exists it will be over-written so make sure your filename is unique. So that we do not over-write environment.yaml we save the output to machine-learning-39-env.yaml instead and add it to the Git repository.

$ conda env export --name machine-learning-39-env --file machine-learning-39-env.yml
$ git init
$ git add machine-learning-39-env.yml
$ git commit -m "Adding machine-learning-39-env.yml config file."

It is important to note that the exported file includes the prefix: entry which records the location the environment is installed on your system. If you are to share this file with colleagues you should remove this line before doing so as it is highly unlikely their virtual environments will be in the same location. You should also ideally remove the line before committing to Git.

This exported environment file may not consistently produce environments that are reproducible across operating systems. The reason for this is, that it may include operating system specific low-level packages which cannot be used by other operating systems.

If you need an environment file that can produce environments that are reproducible across Mac OS, Windows, and Linux, then you are better off just including only those packages that you have specifically installed.

This is achieved using the --from-history flag/option which means only those packages explicitly installed with conda install commands, and not the dependencies that were pulled in when doing so will be exported.

$ conda env export --name machine-learning-39-env --from-history --file machine-learning-39-env.yml
$ git add machine-learning-39-env.yml
$ git commit -m "Updates machine-learning-39-env.yml based on environment history"

Excluding build variant hash

In short: to make sure others can reproduce your environment independent of the operating system they use, make sure to add the --from-history argument to the conda env export command. This will only include the packages you explicitly installed and the version you requested to be installed. For example if you installed numpy-1.24 this will be listed, but if you installed pandas without a version and therefore installed the latest then pandas will be listed in your environment file without a version number so anyone using your environment file will get the latest version which may not match the version you used. This is one reason to explicitly state the version of a package you wish to install.

Without --from-history the output may on some occasions include the build variant hash (which can alternatively be removed by editing the environment file). These are often specific to the operating system and including them in your environment file means it will not necessarily work if someone is using a different operating system.

Be aware that --from-history will omit any packages you have installed using pip. This may be addressed in future releases. In the meantime, editing your exported environment files by hand is sometimes the best option.

Create a new environment from a YAML file.

Create a new project directory and then create a new environment.yml file inside your project directory with the following contents.

name: scikit-learn-env

  - ipython=8.8
  - matplotlib=3.6
  - pandas=1.5
  - pip=22.3
  - python=3.10
  - scikit-learn=1.2

Now use this file to create a new Conda environment. Where is this new environment created? If you are using Git add the YAML file to your repository.


To create a new environment from a YAML file use the conda env create sub-command as follows.

$ mkdir scikit-learn-project
$ cd scikit-learn-project
$ conda env create --file scikit-learn-env.yml
$ git init
$ git add scikit-learn-env.yml
$ git commit -m "Adding scikit-learn-env.yml config file"

The above sequence of commands will create a new Conda environment inside the ~/miniconda3/envs directory (check with conda env list or conda info).

You can now run the conda env list command and see that this environment has been created or if you have conda activate scikit-learn-env you can use conda info to get detailed information about the environment.

Specifying channels in the environment.yml

We learnt in the previous episode, that some packages may need to be installed from channels other than the default channel. We can also specify the channels that conda should look for the packages within the environment.yml file:

name: polars-env

  - conda-forge
  - defaults

  - polars=0.16

When the above file is used to create an environment, conda would first look in the conda-forge channel for all packages mentioned under dependencies. If they exist in the conda-forge channel, conda would install them from there, and not look for them in defaults at all.

Updating an environment

You are unlikely to know ahead of time which packages (and version numbers!) you will need to use for your research project. For example it may be the case that

If any of these occurs during the course of your research project, all you need to do is update the contents of your environment.yml file accordingly and then run the following command.

$ conda env update --name project-env --file environment.yml --prune
$ git add environment.yml
$ git commit -m "Updating environment.yml config file"

The --prune option tells Conda to remove any dependencies that are no longer required from the environment.

Rebuilding a Conda environment from scratch

When working with environment.yml files it is often just as easy to rebuild the Conda environment from scratch whenever you need to add or remove dependencies. To rebuild a Conda environment from scratch you can pass the --force option to the conda env create command which will remove any existing environment directory before rebuilding it using the provided environment file.

$ conda env create --name project-env --file environment.yml --force

Add Dask to the environment to scale up your analytics

Add dask to the scikit-learn-env.yml environment file and update the environment. Dask provides advanced parallelism for data science workflows enabling performance at scale for the core Python data science tools such as Numpy Pandas, and Scikit-Learn.


The scikit-learn-env.yml file should now look as follows.

name: scikit-learn-env

  - dask=2022.7
  - dask-ml=2022.5
  - ipython=8.8
  - matplotlib=3.6
  - pandas=1.5
  - pip=22.3
  - python=3.10
  - scikit-learn=1.2

You could use the following command, that will rebuild the environment from scratch with the new Dask dependencies:

$ conda env create --name project-env --file environment.yml --force

Or, if you just want to update the environment in-place with the new Dask dependencies, you can use:

$ conda env update --name project-env --file environment.yml  --prune

You would then add and commit the changes to the scikit-learn-env.yml to Git to keep the changes under version control.

$ git add scikit-learn-env.yml
$ git commit -m "Updating scikit-learn-env.yml with dask"

Installing via pip in environment.yml files

Since you write environment.yml files for all of your projects, you might be wondering how to specify that packages should be installed using pip in the environment.yml file. Here is an example environment.yml file that uses pip to install the kaggle and yellowbrick packages.

name: example

  - jupyterlab=1.0
  - matplotlib=3.1
  - pandas=0.24
  - scikit-learn=0.21
  - pip=22.3
  - pip:
    - kaggle
    - yellowbrick==1.5

Note two things…

  1. pip is installed as a dependency under conda first (under the dependencies section) with an explicit version (not essential).
  2. Following this there is then an entry for - pip: and under this is another list (indented further) where double ‘==’ instead of ‘=’ for the explicit version that pip will install.

In case you are wondering, the Yellowbrick package is a suite of visual diagnostic tools called “Visualizers” that extend the Scikit-Learn API to allow human steering of the model selection process. Recent version of Yellowbrick can also be installed using conda from the conda-forge channel.

$ conda install --channel conda-forge yellowbrick=1.2 --name project-env

Key Points